Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl Ads

Figured I hadn't pissed anyone off recently so I'm posting this video clip of Wanda Sykes. Hey, at least there's some humor.

Wanda Sykes on Super bowl ads.

A Quiet Moment

First email posting to blog with picture attached.
First text from phone to blog.

Sad Times

Do you live in the United States? Here are some stats that will make you want to move

Sounds Like Blackmail to Me

Senate Shark Jump Announced - from

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Getting Johnny To Read

Q. How do you get kids to read a dictionary?

A. Add sex and ban it.
'Oral sex' definition prompts dictionary ban in US schools

Sunday, January 17, 2010

You Are What You Work

What do you want to be when you grow up? A doctor, lawyer, journalist, etc.?


No, I mean, why would you answer that question with an occupation?

I want to be passionate and creative. I want to be friendly and helpful. I want to be fun and funny. I want to be well-liked and loved. I want to be cared for and caring. I want to be adjectives, not nouns.

I don't want to be an occupation or career. I want to be a culmination of all the things I do or say or create when I'm not working.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Guns Yes, Textbooks No

Well, what do you expect. It is Texas. Link.

Glenn Beck Goofs Again

I love this. Glenn Beck should completely check his sources. The Daily Dish. Maybe this is intentional.

Visa Profits From Others Misery

What do you think? Should credit card companies profit from charitable contributions? The link to below is a petition against this policy. If you believe they shouldn't, please sign the petition.
No Fees on Charitable Contributions